HOA Change Makers are a consultancy agency supplying leading Queer educators to Global brands.

We are best known for providing brands with unique Ambassadors, educational consultancy, and empowering seminars that inspire change from within.

Not only do our educators have a plethora of knowledge and outstanding credentials but they have also built their own platforms by bravely sharing their lived experiences, unapologetically using them to generate conversation and impact surrounding LGBTQIA+ inclusion and authentic representation.

Unlike other agencies we are an entire team of queer people that share a common ethos. We all have a responsibility to shape the culture around diversity and inclusion. Your brand has the power to reinforce positive narratives and empower education through your products and services.

HOA Change makers are here to provide you with the resources and guidance you need.



At HOA Change Makers we are proud to offer a diverse variety of speakers. All of our speakers specialise in crucial topics to educate on LGBTQIA+ issues, gender, diversity, neurodiversity and inclusion awareness. All of our speakers have overcome extremely adverse life experiences and use these experiences to help educate and advise. Our speakers are all well versed in speaking to large conferences, businesses, festivals and prides. We are passionate about supporting brands on their path to education and inclusivity.


It is important that industry professionals are able to directly consult with LGBTQIA+ experts and representatives to help ensure that the brand is equipped with the knowledge and skills to support the queer community outwardly. In the age of social media where everyone has a voice its imperative that we make change from within, lets move from cancel culture to change making.

We provide consultancy on how your business can be a true ally from the beginning to end of a project and beyond. we help implement internal framework and train on up to date gender inclusivity legislation and law, as well as independent regulations.


At HOA Change Makers we offer a range of queer educators, models and advocates who act as role models to the wider community. By working with one of our talented ambassadors, they can facilitate a space for growth and understanding of what your consumers and colleagues need to see from your brand in terms of ally-ship. Not only can they supply talks and consultancy but also be a face to the growth and change within your organisation. At HOA Change Makers we think about inclusion behind the camera, not just in front of lens.


For all enquiries please contact HOA Change Makers Director on lucy@houseofandrogyny.com